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American Express unenforceable personal liability on alleged joint Amex Business Cards – UPDATE


Below is an update on our previous articles on Amex business cards (read HERE) due to a new development.

It is still the case that Amex have been unable to prove any personal liability on all the cases we have dealt with relating to alleged joint business card agreements stretching back to 2017 and before.

However, American Express’ solicitors Brachers have started to take a different tack on a recent case we are dealing with in that they issued a statutory demand for bankruptcy prior to us becoming involved, the sum involved being in excess of £100k.

We are able to assist in situations like this, but it is imperative we are able to do so within the very short time limit of just 18 days allowed to set aside a demand for bankruptcy.

This is to avoid a bankruptcy petition with a bankruptcy hearing date being served which is the next step if a set aside is not filed.

If you find yourself in this position and need assistance, please contact us immediately HERE

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