Asset and business loan creditors can be very aggressive in pursuing a Personal Guarantee, also known as director guarantee, claim. Some of them are very quick off the mark to issue court proceedings and most of them can be very hard negotiators.
Companies such as Funding Circle, IWOCA, Asset Advantage, Close Brothers, 1PM, Capital on Tap and many others rely solely on a personal guarantee to secure their debt. Others such as Nationwide Corporate Finance/ Blue Rock rely on a charge on a residential property.
All we do and have done for 15 years is help people with PG issues. We deal with these organisations on a daily basis so know exactly where they are with their collection policies, how they pursue their claim and most importantly, flaws they may have in any of their documentation and process.
Time is of the essence – get in contact now to best protect your position.
Wherever you are in the process, click on the relevant link below for further information: